The 48ers
‘The 48ers’ is a program that develops leadership among teens from diverse societies through basketball practice, tournaments, and educational activities. The program operates dozens of teams in schools and community centres, with hundreds of teens from the social and geographical periphery, in the north, south and centre, taking part.

The 48ers
‘The 48ers’ is a program that develops leadership among teens from diverse societies through basketball practice, tournaments, and educational activities. The program operates dozens of teams in schools and community centres, with hundreds of teens from the social and geographical periphery, in the north, south and centre, taking part.

How Does It Work?
We operate in communities and areas where basketball activities for teens are lacking, to make basketball accessible to diverse groups within Israeli society.
The school or social centre selects the players based on their familiarity with the participants and on each teen’s needs.
The activity includes weekly soccer practice, weekly social activities, and monthly tournaments in which regional teams meet for a celebration of sports spirit and values.
Instilling Values and Developing Leadership
We work with 13-15-year-olds who undergo an educational process focused on building team spirit, getting to know Israeli society, enhancing social, communal, and volunteer-based activism, and developing leadership skills.

אצלנו המגרש הוא גשר.
אנחנו מאמינים שמפגשים ספורטיביים בין ילדים מרקעים שונים הם פתח אפקטיבי וכלי יעיל לתקשורת בין יהודים וערבים, דתיים וחילוניים, עולים וילדי הארץ. בעינינו, העניין המשותף בספורט מאפשר לנו להתחבר זה לזו, למרות השוני.

להנחיל ערכים ולפתח מנהיגות
התכנית החינוכית בכל קבוצה מותאמת לגיל המשתתפים, כאשר הדגש עובר מערכים בסיסיים וגיבוש הקבוצה להכרת החברה הישראלית, מעורבות חברתית וקהילתית, חיזוק רוח ההתנדבות והתרומה ופיתוח מנהיגות.

Making Basketball Accessible
To improve physical abilities, instill sports values, develop team spirit, and instill healthy life habits.

Social Activities
Instilling values, strengthening self-confidence, developing life skills, leadership, teamwork, perseverance and more.

To strengthen the sense of belonging and social and communal activism.